Instructional Designer

M.Ed. in Instructional Design & Educational Technology. B.S. in Elementary Education.

Let's Get In Touch

About Me

Welcome! Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Aubrey Argyle. I have a M.Ed in Instructional Design & Educational Technology from the University of Utah, and a B.S. in Elementary Education and a minor in Psychology from the University of Utah. Go Utes!

I've grown up in Utah and absolutely adore the mountains and beautiful views this state offers. In my spare time I enjoy reading a good book, playing co-ed soccer, sipping chai lattes, mindlessly singing, and making chocolate chip cookies. I have three brothers who played baseball growing up which molded me into a big baseball fan. I love cheering on the Los Angeles Dodgers and would love to attend a World Series game one day.

Skills & Attributes

I am personal, an eager life-long learner, and passionate about all things involving creativity. I work well in group settings and have a history of collaboration and teamwork through my career and athletic pursuits. I love a challenge and take satisfaction in checking off goals I meet.

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Adobe Suite

Experience working with Adobe Photoshop, Premiere Pro, and Illustrator. I've worked with editing tools such as retouching, blending, stamping, drawing, selection tools, and a filter in Photoshop. In Premiere Pro I've created videos by organizing and trimming clips, using transitions and effects, animations, and working with audio files.

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This personal portfolio is a testament to this skill! As of right now, I can work with HTML & CSS. Coding is exciting to me and I'm continually looking for ways I can sharpen up and learn new languages. I've worked with platforms such as GitHub, Brackets, and Codecademy.

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Google Suite

As an Educator, I presented and designed my daily lessons with Google Slides and Google Docs. I made a hub for my grade level on Google Sheets to track data through the year for different subjects and standards. I created and implemented Google Forms for quick informal learning check-ins and hosted my classroom learning on Google Classroom.

Articulate 360

Articulate 360

I'm comfortable, confident, and crafty when creating within Articulate Storyline. I can build upon layers, create engaging triggers, produce effective assessment questions, embed media, record audio, and work with animations and avatars within the program. Check out my baseball e-learning course down below, or within my portfolio tab, for a sneak peak. Currently working on 'Brain Health Curriculum' & 'Tips on Writing AI Prompts' in Articulate Storyline.

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Data Implementation

I have experience tracking data over long-term and short-term intervals. I am someone who loves seeing progression, so tracking data and comparing it is something I feel confident and comfortable with. This skill also goes hand-in-hand with goal-setting!

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I can effectively convey ideas and information, both verbally and in writing. I am skilled in active listening, which enables me to hear others' perspectives and empathize. I am experienced in adapting my communication style to suit different audiences, age groups, and backgrounds. My strong communication skills allow me to create positive and lasting relationships, resolve conflicts, and express complex concepts with clarity.

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Growth Mindset

I believe in the power of continuous learning and personal development. I see challenges as opportunities for growth and view failures as valuable learning experiences. I am open to new ideas, feedback, and constructive criticism through my learning experiences (I'm used to this after always playing some sort of sport and being coached the majority of my life!). I am resilient in the face of setbacks and have a strong desire to constantly exceed my own expectations.

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I have a proven track record of successfully collaborating with people of all ages and backgrounds. I pride myself in building positive-lasting relationships and being a cheerleader to those around me. I've been involved in a team-setting since before I can remember. I've taken on the role of a leader and captain, as well as a rock for the team's culture. I can navigate various work dynamics and contribute to a productive work environment.

Latest Work

This is some of my best work

Baseball E-Learning Course

How Can You Not Be Romantic About Baseball? (Baseball E-Learning Course)

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Instructional Design & Educational Technology Advertisement Flyers 2024

Adobe Express & Canva Presentation

Adobe Express & Canva Presentation

3 Tips for Writing AI Prompts

Video on Writing AI Prompts
